February 26th

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This was actually the second day of our trip, but the first day was comprised entirely of uneventful driving, and thus no pictures. Today's drive was a little different, as the pictures can attest to...

Driving in Georgia

This is the Georgia Welcome center. At this point we had been driving in snow for about 20 miles. Another picture of the snow we drove in, but this time from the road.
Another snow picture. More snow. And to think, we left Michigan to get away from this stuff!
Our forward view of the road. A final snow picture.

We did make it safely. Here are the pictures from our hotel...

Disney's All Star Movies Resort

Samantha and Tyler (always trying to be the comedian) at the "World Premiere Food Court". A little bit better picture of the kids at the "World Premiere Food Court".
The "World Premiere Food Court". The bucket of soldiers staircase surround, from the "Toy Story" movies.
Tyler sitting in "RC", from the "Toy Story" movies. Tyler and Sam in "RC", from the "Toy Story" movies.
Tyler standing in front of the Buzz wooden blocks with Sam looking on. A giant Buzz Lightyear from the "Toy Story" movies.
A giant Woody from the "Toy Story" movies. Another view of the giant Woody from the "Toy Story" movies.
The Woody wooden blocks. Tyler jumping off of the checkers while Sam runs around.
Tyler posing on a checker piece with Sam looking on. Sam posing on a checker piece.

Please click here for page two of the photos



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