Bay City

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We arrived for our camping trip shortly after 5:00pm on Friday, but by the time we got set up and ate our dinner, there wasn't much to take pictures of. To read about all of our happenings over the entire weekend, check out my Diary.

Saturday, on the other hand, was full of activities such as pumpkin painting, cookie decorating, and the big event - trick-or-treating around the campground. First up was the pumpkin and cookie activities...

Children's Activities - October 7th

Tara and Becky helping Drew, Tyler, Samantha, and Thomas paint pumpkins. Sam & Tyler working on their masterpieces.
Drew going crazy with the orange paint. Tyler enjoying his cookie while Tara watches.
Tara helping Drew decorate and enjoy his cookie.

After the kids finished painting their pumpkins, we headed back to the campsite for lunch. Afterwards, Jeff, Mike, & I took the kids across the street to the playground to burn off some excess energy before they got their sugar buzz from trick-or-treating.

Playground Fun - October 7th

Drew exploring the play area. Drew ready to go down the slide.
Tyler in a kiddie spring ride. Tyler on a tire swing with Cassie looking on.
Drew watching Samantha, Thomas, and Cassie ready to cross a bridge. Tyler hanging from a bar.
Sam on the spring ride with Thomas getting ready to ride another one. Tyler on a swinging beam.
Tyler standing on a train while Drew comes to check him out. Tyler on the other spring ride going wild.
Drew was fascinated by spinning this around and around. The ball inside bounced all over. Drew finally braved crossing this bridge alone.

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