Hands On

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    During Spring Break 2008 Tara took the time to organize a couple of trips to keep the kids occupied. Each one included around 20 people, including kids and parents. The first trip was to the pool at Milford High School. which has a kiddy area as well as slides and play areas. Unfortunately for me, no cameras are allowed there - of course that means that there are no pictures to add to the website. The second trip was to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Tara did manage to snap a few pictures while there. Enjoy!

Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Drew and Samantha playing with a rubber-band peg-board. Drew at the board.
Drew playing with one of the displays. Sam testing out the water display.
Jayden, Drew, & Sam trying out a lock to see how it works. Sam and her friend Shelby checking out a car differential.
Tyler closing himself in a big bubble. Jay playing.
Jay playing on the slide.
Drew playing on the fire truck. Notice how he wears the fire hat...
Another picture of Drew on the fire truck, this time with the hat on correctly and a fire jacket as well.


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