Crystal Mountain

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    Tara was recently fortunate enough to attend a wellness conference for work at Crystal Mountain resort. I was also fortunate enough to be able to join her Thursday afternoon and Friday (although our Friday plans were cut short due to Tyler and Samantha having a makeup baseball game that evening).

    I arrived late in the afternoon on Thursday. We took a quick walk around the resort before heading out to dinner. We ate at a little pub-style restaurant called Dinghy's Restaurant & Bar. After our meal, we headed back to the resort to attend a dinner and dance that the conference held that evening (obviously we skipped the dinner).

    On Friday morning Tara had the final sessions of her conference. I loaded up the cars and checked out of the room while waiting for her. After the conference was over, we headed out to stop in Beulah (I have always wanted to be able to say I have been there - in fact, with our stop in Frankfort the night before, we almost made it to B.F.E. - Beulah, Frankfort, and Elberta). We were originally going to try to head out to Sleeping Bear Dunes, but with the kids ballgame we really wouldn't have had much time to enjoy it so we instead headed home for the weekend.

    Overall, I think that the resort was nice (at least in my short experience there) and Tara would like to attend the conference next year. Hopefully if things work out in the future we can go back with the kids for some fun.

    The first group of pictures below are from the wellness conference that Tara participated in.

Wellness Conference

Tara got an opportunity to make out with the one, the only: Richard Simmons!
Tara posing once again with Richard Simmons.

    Here are a couple of pictures from around the resort.

Crystal Mountain

This is where the conference attendees ate their lunches. These were the ski hills outside of Tara's room.

    After I arrived, we went for a drive for dinner. This picture is of the Welcome to/Welcome back to Frankfort sign that we passed under on our way into town.


This is the sign that crosses over the road on the way into Frankfort.

    After dinner we attended what was left of the dinner and dance hosted by the conference.

Wellness Conference Dance

Tara participating in "Zumba", some sort of dancing exercise. Tara placed third in her efforts to become Queen of the conference. Here are the queen and king.

    On Friday while Tara was at her conference, I took some picture of her room and the resort.

Crystal Mountain

The view of the room from the door. The bathroom - the business room is on the right, the sink straight across, and the shower and tub on the left.
The tub, with the shower on the left behind the door. The living area of the bedroom.
A view of the room looking towards the door. Another view of the living area - the handle on the wall (on the right) is for a Murphy bed.
A view of the ski slopes. The bottom of the chair lift.
Another ski area with the chair lift up. The pool was behind this building, and there was a store inside.
The are some of the bungalows at the resort. This building is called Kinlochen.
Kinlochen again - I thing it housed the pro shop, a pub, and various suites.

    After Tara finished, we headed to Beulah to take pictures.

Welcome to Beulah!

Tara with the Beulah sign. Rodney with the Beulah sign.

    And finally, we headed home for the day.

That's All Folks!

Tara got the honor of driving the fun car home!


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