Samantha's Zoo Trip

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    On May 30th Samantha's class went on a trip to the Detroit Zoo. Since Grandma Terry went on Tyler's trip to the zoo, Sam wanted her to go on this trip as well. Overall, it sounded like they had a good time checking out all the different animals. Here are some of Sam's pictures (well, most of them were hers) from this fun day.

Sam's Detroit Zoo School Trip

Some ducks in the pond. A yellow snake.
A couple different kinds of turles.
Another kind of turtle. Some kind of lizzard.
Another snake picture. Sam posing with her dad, err uh, a gorilla.
Grandma Terry. Sam with the polar bears.
A seal (I think). Another seal (maybe?).
A hippo napping in the sun. Sam by the bear fountain.
The penguins.


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