August 1st

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    Tyler, Samantha, Thomas, Jeff, and I woke up bright and early on Saturday morning to get out on the water in an attempt to beat the wind and rain that was predicted for later in the day. Thankfully, we were successful in doing so. We were also fairly successful in our fishing exploits, bringing back with us three walleye's for dinner tonight. We also threw several back that were a little too small. A good time was had by all, despite the sometimes rocking boat. No seasickness, though!

Saginaw Bay Walleye Fishing

A look across Saginaw Bay at the power plant located on shore.

A look out into the bay from the boat.

Tyler, Thomas, and Samantha on the boat, trying to avoid the wind while we search for a spot to fish.

Jeff holding the walleye that Sam reeled in, our first keeper of the day.

Jeff holding the walleye that Tyler caught - this one had to go back.

Sam sitting down on our way back to the marina.

Tyler and Thomas sharing the passenger seat for our ride back.

    While we were out on the bay fishing, Tara and Becky took Drew, Jayden, and Andrew (who is also called Drew, but I will refer to him by his full name just for clarity's sake) with them to Pinconning for a cheese run, among a couple of other errands. Andrew calls himself baby mouse, so he had to have his picture taken with this giant cheese loving mouse.


Drew and Andrew standing by the mouse outside of the Wilson Cheese Shoppe.

A look from a little further away at the two Drew's.

Another picture of Drew in front of the mouse.

    After we all returned to the campground we enjoyed a nice lunch before Jeff cleaned up the fish that we caught so that we could eat it for dinner. The kids also took advantage of the somewhat drizzly weather to play with some water balloons. Later on, while dinner was cooking, the kids spent time doing their own thing.

Bay City State Recreation Area

Tyler, Samantha, Thomas, Rodney, Andrew, and Jeff checking out today's catch.

Thomas, Tyler, Sam, Rodney, Jayden, Jeff, and Andrew.

Tyler and Sam posing with their catches. They wouldn't touch the fish, so Rod and Jeff had to do the dirty work. Andrew is looking on as well.

Tyler, Sammy, Rodney, and Jeff with the fish from today.

Another picture of Tyler, Sam, Rod, and Jeff.

Tyler and Sam during the water balloon fight, while Tinkerbell tries to avoid getting wet.

Andrew, Drew, Thomas, and Jayden with their water balloons.

Tyler about to break his balloon over Jay's head while Thomas looks on.

Andrew, Jayden, and Drew throwing their balloons.

Andrew, Thomas, Jayden, and Tyler.

Andrew, Thomas, and Jayden.

Andrew, Samantha, Thomas, Jayden, and Tyler having fun at the campground.

After getting cleaned up from the water balloon fight, Andrew, Drew, and Thomas spent forever playing with the barn toys while dinner was being cooked.

Tyler, however, didn't have the energy to play while dinner was being cooked.


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