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    We attempted to do some camping for the Deckerville Homecoming weekend, but were pretty much rained out of any of the activities. We did get some decent weather on Friday night, so we spent some time walking around the campground. We also walked to the store at front to get some ice cream before going back to the camper to watch Toy Story II with the kids before calling it a night.

Lake Huron Campground

The back side of Dad & Mom's camper set up for the weekend of camping.

The view towards the back of the campground from our campsite.

The entry side of the camper, as seen from the front.

The entry side of the camper, as seen from the rear.

Samantha found a feather during our walk, as used it as a dance prop.

Sam still dancing with the feather.

Sam spinning around with the feather.

Tara watching Jayden while they wait for Drew to use the restroom.

The view of the fishing lake inside the campground from the bridge.

Looking the opposite direction at the fishing lake from the bridge.

Drew and Jay standing by the lake.

A look at the small river that runs into the fishing lake.

Another look at the river.

Drew (way out in front), Sam, and Tara walking on the bridge while Tinkerbell follows.


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