Dune Climb
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Here we all are settled in for lunch before taking the trek up
the hill and along the trails.
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Another picture of us eating lunch, this time with the sand hill
in the background.
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Drew watching Marissa and Donovan get their picture taken.
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The start of the hill climb - Sam way out in front (wearing
pink), followed by Marissa, Donovan, Tyler, Erica, Drew, Gary,
Jayden, Terry, and Tara.
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Another picture of the group going up the hill, this time a
little closer to the top.
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Jayden, Gary, and Tyler almost at the top with Tara close
getting closer.
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At the top! Terry is on her way to join the rest of the group.
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Donovan and Tyler resting at the top while Jay & Drew are
playing off in the background.
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A closer look at Jay and Drew at the top of the hill.
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Donovan, Jay, Tyler, Sam, Marissa, and Drew playing in a hole
that they found at the top.
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Erica, Tara, and Gary watching the kids play.
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Tyler and Donovan walking around in the sand.
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While he still had extra energy, Tyler attempted to climb up
this hill.
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A view of the vast expanse of sand from atop the dune climb with
Glen Lake in the background.
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Marissa, Erica, and Sam leading the pack for a walk towards Lake
Michigan with Tyler, Donovan, and Gary trailing.
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When we reached the top of a hill where the lake came into view,
this freighter was visible to us.
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Sitting in the sand because they didn't want to join us on our
trek to the big lake, Terry and Drew relaxed in this area for a
short time before going back down the hill.
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Another look at the freighter in Lake Michigan.
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Donovan went down this steep trail after Sam, Marissa, and Erica
did (they are barely visible at the bottom).
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A closer look at Erica watching Donovan come down the hill.
Please click here for
page two of the photos |