Once again this year Tara & I took the kids to my sister's
house to go trick-or-treating in her neighborhood (since in the 9+ years that we
have lived in our house we have had a grand total of zero trick-or-treaters). We
went there early to eat before starting our trek at 6:00pm. Dad, Erica, Tara,
and I went out with the kids this year, while Mom & Dwayne stayed behind to hand
out candy. We took a slightly longer route this year than we have in the past,
and it showed in the amount of candy in the kid's baskets! I think the kids were
also a little disappointed/relieved that the scary "haunted" house wasn't there
this year. Here are a couple of the pictures from our walk.
Trick or treat! Smell my feet!
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Donovan (a Trojan warrior), Jayden (Elmo), Samantha (a punk
pirate), Tyler (Dirk Nowitzki), Drew (a storm trooper), and Marissa
(a skela-rocker) in their costumes.
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Jay in her Elmo costume. She was also called Grover and the
Cookie Monster on more than one occasion. Yeah, 'cause they all look
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All six of the kids at one of the first houses that we passed.
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The kids at the door of another nicely decorated house.
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Sam and Tyler checking out their haul after another stop.
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Grandpa Gary and Tara taking Jayden and Drew to another house.