July 19th

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    The girls put on their swimsuits and matching cover-ups this morning in the hopes of going to the pool. Since we didn't go right away they decided to get out the "My Little Pony" toys and spend some time playing with them. We managed to take a few pictures, but they weren't thrilled that we did so!

River Ridge Resort Campsites

Samantha, Marissa, and Jayden playing with the "My Little Pony's" outside in the grassy area beside the campsite in their matching cover-ups.

Jayden noticed that her picture was being taken, but Sam and Marissa were still completely unaware.

A closer look at Jay.

Samantha, Marissa, and Jay once again.

    Later on we were back at the pool...

Swimming at River Ridge

Donovan, Samantha, and Drew playing keep-away with the new mini football.

Jayden and Rodney posing for a self portrait.

Sammie swimming underwater.

Sam trying to do a handstand.

Marissa sporting her new goggles.

Grandma Terry, Tyler, and Donovan sitting on the lounge chairs enjoying a snack.

Donovan eating some pretzels while relaxing.

Tyler sitting back and helping himself to some grapes.

Tara and Jay swimming in the pool.

Marissa and Drew playing around together.

Tyler underwater.

Tara getting some air while jumping into the pool!

Marissa chilling in her tube.

Marissa, Erica, and Donovan floating together as a family.

Jay wandering around outside of the pool.

Another shot of Jayden and Tara swimming together.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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