May 25th - Page 3

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    Here are some more pictures from the Smoklerville activity.


This dirty, hairy creature was behind the barn inside Smoklerville. It may have been an alpaca.

A look at a few of the buildings inside Smoklerville.

The alpaca animal alongside the horse.

An old windmill.

Another look at the alpaca.

One of the tasks the kids needed to complete in order to acquire their homestead was to create a candle. They did this by alternately dipping a wick into wax and water.

Our friends Julie and Tania helped the kids with their candles.

The kids weren't just given their supplies - they either had to pay for them or earn them. Here the kids are singing a song as payment for their candle supplies.

Tyler creating his candle.

Tyler's family had to say the Pledge of Allegiance while spinning and hopping on one foot in order to earn the supplies for their rope.

Tyler and one of his family members working on making their rope.

Another picture of Tyler and his family member making a rope.


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