Visit with Santa

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    After much promising and delayed visits, we were finally able to take the kids to see Santa Claus this year. Of course we had to do it during the biggest snowstorm to come our way in quite some time, but at least we did it! We had been promising Drew, who was the primary cause of the push to see Santa this year, that we would take them to see Santa almost every weekend in December. Unfortunately something always seemed to come up, and we kept saying next weekend. As we began to run out of weekends we finally resorted to something that Tara & I usually don't like to do - we made a promise that we would go on Sunday, December 12th. Then I got asked to work that day. Not too big of a deal yet, as Tara could just bring the kids down and meet me at Bass Pro Shops after work. Then the storm hit. What would normally be a 30 minute drive to the mall became a long drawn out hour long affair. Once we managed to meet up safely inside the warm confines of the mall, things went smoothly. We had our turn visiting Santa, and the kids each told him what they wanted for Christmas. They also had an opportunity to participate in many of the activities set up for the little ones to enjoy, everything from writing a letter to Santa, coloring pictures, racing cars around a track, to shooting a gun (OK, not a real one - an arcade style gun). A good time was had by all!

    Of course we had to return home at some point, and that was after wandering through the mall for quite some time searching out good gift ideas for each other. By the time we left at 7:00pm the snow had nearly stopped falling. By now it was just blowing all over, wreaking further havoc with the roads. It took nearly an hour to get home as well, white knuckling all the way...

Visit with Santa Claus

Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Jayden telling Santa what it is that they would like on to see under their tree on Christmas morning. For Tyler, that would be an XBox360, Samantha wants a puppy. Drew would like a Nintendo DSi XL, and Jayden wants a baby. A baby doll, that is!

Sam, Drew, Jay, and Tyler posing with Santa.

A closer look at the kids with Santa. Nice smile, Tyler!

Sam and Jay participating in some of the activities that Bass Pro Shop had to offer. Sam is writing her letter to Santa, while Jay is coloring a picture.

Drew and Tyler posing for a picture while playing with the slot cars.

A look at Drew and Tyler playing with the slot cars.

Tyler checking out the buttons on the controller as the car goes around the track.


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