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    I really don't have a whole lot that I can say about this game, except that I am sorry that I had to miss it! Thanks to a conflict between soccer and football Tara & I had to split up for today's games, and me being a football coach pretty much narrowed down our options dramatically. All I can tell you is that it was a pretty tight game through halftime, with the score 1-0. Tara said that Samantha was "playing an awesome game and kept four goals away" while playing goalie this half. Things heated up in the second half, and Sam went on a scoring spree. Tara first notified me on the phone that "your daughter scored the best freaking goal!" after her first score, and then she told me that Sam had "two others with help from her teammates." When I got home and was able to talk to Sam for the first time she told be that she had gone on to score one more, for a total of four. After struggling through last weeks game with a sprained foot, Tara closed her updates to me with "I think her foot has healed. This has been a great game for her."

    Just a reminder, since Tara was forced to use the camera without much of a zoom and Sam will be hard to spot in some of the pictures, Samantha wears number 11 this year, and her team color was red today.

Game 2 - at #1

Samantha played in goal during the first half of the game, making at least four great saves.

Sam's team has named themselves The Bees. Here Jayden is cheering them on by holding up a "Go Bees" sign.

Samantha (hands on hips) and her teammates lined up for the kickoff after a goal.

Sam (middle) trying to get the ball away from the opposition.

Sam trying to chase down the ball as it rolls towards the other team.

Sam stopping the ball in a crowd.

Sam resting during a stoppage in play.

Sam, of defense, waiting for the action to come her way.

Sam racing towards the goal in attempt to get another score.

Sam keeping an eye on the action once again.


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