Samantha's Birthday - Page 2

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    Here are some more pictures from Samantha's birthday celebration...

Samantha's 9th Birthday Party

Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry also gave Samantha a pair of jeans...

...and another tank top.

Samantha picked out a red, white, and blue themed birthday cake this year. The candle was fashioned from a #6 candle from years past, but was put on the cake backwards!

Another look at Sam's cake. Sammie is her preferred spelling for her nickname.

Two beautiful young ladies... Sam and Marissa posing with the cake.

Another picture of Sam and Marissa with the cake.

Sam still gets embarrassed when the "Happy Birthday" song is sung to her.

Sam successfully blew out her candle. Hope your wish comes true sweetie!

    After we had completed all of the birthday festivities - dinner, presents, cake and ice cream - Samantha and Marissa put on a wonderful play about sickness. We all learned the appropriate ways to sneeze and cough to prevent sharing our illness with others. They even had a nice program made up so that we could follow along. Thanks girls. You did a great job!


Samantha and Marissa following their scripts.

Sam practicing blowing her nose as part of the play.

Take a bow, girls. Bravo!


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