Yard Work

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    With the warm weather that we had at the beginning of the year, Tara & I were able to get a head start on doing some of the yard work (as opposed to waiting until mid-July, like we usually do). We tackled the back yard first, because it had been the longest since it was last cleaned up. Besides, most of the front yard was completed last year and doesn't look too bad - it is mainly in need of some maintenance weeding.

    We started out with the section at the bottom of the deck stairs. This area had become overgrown with some type of spreading plant, so basically we just cleaned it out and spread the mulch. We also moved on to the opposite side of the deck, but we ran out of our first truck load of mulch partway through that section.

Flowerbeds - Back Yard (April 18th)

The southwest corner of our home, mulched for the first time in several years.

Another look at the southwest corner. The row of rocks will eventually have a driveway located along it. One project at a time, however...

Along the west wall of the house, to the north of the deck. This area has also gone several years without being weeded and mulched.

    On to our second load of mulch, we completed the back yard mulching. I also salvaged some of the old low-voltage lights from the front yard to use in the back. We also got a new hose reel, since we had a hard time keeping it organized (especially when we are trying to mow - we'd just rush to get it out of the grass and it would end up all over the flowerbed).

Flowerbeds - Back Yard (May 16th)

Another look at the southwest corner of the house, this time with the lighting installed.

Another view of the southwest corner, with the walk and the lights.

The south wall of the house, north of the deck.

Another look at the south wall of the house, with the new hose reel.

The northwest corner of the house.

A look at the west wall of the house, looking south.

    I started this corner last year, but this is the first time it has been mulched. This corner is Tahoe's final resting place, in addition to our old hamster Mickey. I have the rock to put Tahoe's name and dates on, but I am still looking for a good solution to that project.

Flowerbeds - Tahoe's Corner (May 16th)

Jayden and Tinkerbell checking out the corner of the yard where Tahoe was laid to rest.

Another look at the back corner of the yard.

Please click here for page two of the photos

    The south side of our house has been weeded and mulched recently, but it was still overgrown with weeds at the southwest corner of the house. Over the Memorial Day weekend we managed to get it back to that state. Now we are just waiting to get the rock laid to finish the driveway.

Flowerbeds - South Side (May 29th)

The flowerbed on the south side of the garage next to the driveway.

Another look at the previous courner.

The new plants that Tara got for her birthday freshly planted.

The flowerbeds that run along the south side of the house.

Another look at the south side of the house.

One final look, at the fence and gate into our back yard.

    We relocated the Wisteria tree on the north east corner of the house, which necessitated enlarging the flowerbeds in that area.

Flowerbeds - Front Yard (May 29th)

The edging roughly laid out for the new flowerbed area.

Another look at the enlarged flowerbed.

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