July 18th

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    After the rain passed through the area in the morning we decided to head to the Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park. The last time we visited this park we spent quite a bit of time walking the trails, but this time we didn't allow enough time to walk any of these paths (nor did we bring enough bug spray). Instead, Tara, Tyler, Samantha, and I took part in the Adventure Tour. This included a walk across the Forest Canopy Bridge, the Eagle's Flight Zip Line, and the Nature Trail Climbing Wall. Had we gotten an earlier start (and remembered our bug spray) I am sure that we would have spent some time on the trails as well. Maybe next time...

Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park

The plaque located outside the entrance of the park,

The Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park sign on the entrance building.

A look at the bottom of the saw mill.

A look from a bit farther back at the saw mill.

A self portrait of Rodney and Jayden, ready to watch the saw pit demonstration.

Ben, our saw pit demonstrator, describing how things were done in the frontier days.

The chopping of the wood from the side to break up the bark.

Jayden, Samantha, Tyler, and Drew watching the demonstration.

Chopping off the bark that was hit previously to square up the log.

Holding up the pit saw while asking for a volunteer.

The actual sawing of the logs in the frontier days would have taken place in a pit, hence the name pit saw.

Tara and Terry got front row seats to the sawmill demonstration!

Another look at Tara and Terry watching the demonstration.

The saw mill operationg.

A look under the sawmill shows two wheels to help with the operation of the saw.

The large paddle wheel turning as the water gushes over it.

Tara, Sam, Rod, and Tyler getting geared up for their Adventure Tour.

Sam, Tara, Rod, and Tyler all prepped and ready to go!

Drew and Jayden hung out at this water wheel demonstration station while the rest of his family took part in the tour.

Rodney, Sam, Tyler, and Tara on the Forest Canopy Bridge.

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