September 1st

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    After getting a chance to sleep in today, we spent the remainder of the morning lazing about the campground. The kids headed off to the playground and on bike rides, while the adults stayed behind at the campsite working on getting charcoal warmed up for our pie-iron pizzas. This is still one of my all-time favorite camping meals - it is one that we definitely have never made at home, so it is a real treat.

St. Ignace KOA

Samantha, Drew, and Jayden on the merry-go-round.

Drew was nice enough to take his sunglasses off for this shot. If you've looked at pictures of Drew in the sunlight in the past, you know this was a huge offering from him!

A look down the road towards the campsites. Gary & Terry and Rodney & Tara's trucks can be seen on the right side of the road, along with Gary & Terry's camper.

Terry, Tara, and Jayden making pie-iron pizzas for lunch.

Jayden posing for a picture.

It is tough to get a picture of Tinkerbell, because if she see's you trying she immediately heads right towards you. You have to be quick with her!

Tyler managed to get this shot of Tinkerbell.

Samantha thought it would be cute if Tinkerbell wore her sunglasses for a while.

Drew of course had to give his sunglasses a shot as well.

Terry regaling Tyler, Sam, Tara, Jay, and Gary with an interesting story.

Terry is still talking as Steve and Drew sit and listen to her.

A look at the relocated picnic tables, under the trees for a shady meal at lunchtime!

Steve (catching flies), Jayden, and Tyler sitting outside, enjoying the fresh upper peninsula air.

Jay wasn't too thrilled to have her picture taken, however.

Tyler didn't even notice, as he was engrossed in his iPod the whole time.

Steve didn't mind having his picture taken!

    After eating lunch we loaded up into our respective trucks to drive into St. Ignace. Our first stop was at the Bridge View Park, so that I could take pictures of the everyone on the rocks with the bridge in the background. We have been taking pictures here every visit that we have made to the area since 2003!

Bridge View Park

A look at the mighty Mackinac Bridge as a freighter approaches.

The freighter made it's way under the bridge in no time.

Tyler, Drew, Jayden, and Samantha posing for a picture in front of the Mackinac Bridge.

Another look at the kids in front of the bridge.

Steve took advantage of the opportunity to have his photo taken with the bridge as well.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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