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    Here are some more photos from our trek down the falls...

Tahquamenon Falls

Samantha was trying to avoid the splash created as Tyler stood directly under the falls.

Sam eventually braved them herself, standing in them for a bit.

Drew went into the falls as well, but didn't stand still along enough for his picture to be taken.

Drew, Sam, Jayden, and Tyler making their way to the next set of falls.

Sam, Jay, Drew, and Tyler on one of the falls.

Sam, Tyler, Drew, and Jay sitting on a big rock.

A look at one of the falls.

Jay, Sam, Tyler, and Drew standing on a rock.

Jayden found a spot to have her picture taken all by herself.

Tyler showing off on a big rock.

Drew, Tyler, Sam, and Jay standing in front of one of the more powerful falls.

A closer look at the four kids together for a picture. Sometimes they can be so sweet! (Even though Jay was quite cold by this point.)

Jay, Drew, Sam, and Tyler posing for a picture on a rock.

A close-up of the four showoffs!

Tyler ventured back into the waterfall on our way back up the falls...

...taking the camera with him for the under-the-falls shot.

Tyler, Drew, Sam, and Jay sitting together for a shot on yet another waterfall.

Sam posing for a picture by herself.

Tyler taking a more manly approach to the same picture spot.

Jayden does her best Samantha imitation in this photo.

Please click here for page five of the photos


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