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    The annual opening day Little League parade took place on May 5th this year. Jayden marched in her first parade with her team, while Tara walked with Drew and his team. Samantha missed the parade this year, opting instead to spend a little bit of extra time at an overnight birthday party instead. I missed the parade while picking up Sam from her party, so a special thank you to Tara for taking pictures for me!

Holly Little League Parade

Drew (#9) talking to one of his teammates as the parade gets underway.

Drew walking along the sidewalk handing out candy.

Drew reloading on candy to pass out to the crowd.

Jayden walking in the parade with her team.

Jayden and two of her teammates looking to pass out some candy.

Samantha's team managed to soldier on without her, although I am sure it wasn't the same!


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