Jayden's Field Trip

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    Jayden's kindergarten class went on their first ever field trip on Friday, October 19th. Although the weather wasn't great, the kids had a blast anyway. A slight drizzle wasn't enough to dampen their spirits, even if it did tend to chill their fingertips just a bit! Jayden was teamed up with another girl, Molly, and both Tara & I tagged along as chaperones. We started out the morning with a "straw ride" (apparently the hay crop wasn't good this year, driving up the prices) out to the pumpkin patch. We each got to pick out a pumpkin, all of which were on the smaller side. I debated picking out the tiniest pumpkin I could find, but I ended up settling on a decent looking pumpkin - which was a large one based on our choices - instead. After all four of us had our preferred pumpkin, we wandered through the corn trail back to the play area. Up next on the agenda was a meeting with Farmer Mitchell, who made the kids popcorn in a kettle (and some for the chaperones, too). Then it was time for lunch, which each kid brought with them. After the kids finished eating they were free to go play and check out the animals. Jayden had a lot of fun in the various play areas, and she thought the donkey was interesting and the baby chickens were cute!

Mitchell Farms Field Trip

Jayden was thrilled to be going on a hay ride!

Jay and Tara walking through the pumpkin patch, looking for the perfect one (little did they know I was standing right behind them!).

Jay found her pumpkin!

Farmer Mitchell showing off the contents of his pockets to the kids as he explained to them why farmers wear coveralls with lots of pockets - have to be prepared!

Farmer Mitchell pouring the popcorn in the kettle.

Jayden and Molly enjoying their popcorn before eating lunch.

The donkey, JR. He wasn't as excited to see us this time as he was last time...

Molly and Jay checking out the donkey.

A bunch of chickens in their pen, with fresh eggs behind them.

Jay trying to jump onto the bales while Tara looks on.

Jay standing tall on top of the bale.

Jay ran to the opposite end of the row of bales, and almost slid off to the ground as she came to a stop!

Jay running back across, jumping between the bales as she goes...

A chicken with her two week old offspring.

More chickens on the farm.

Jay riding a donkey...

...and a chicken!

Farmer Jayden!

Two very scary ghosts, Jayden and Molly.

Jayden the witch!

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