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    On December 28th, during the kid's winter break from school (as well as the break for Tara & I), we were invited to go to Rollhaven with Thad & Melissa, Tania, and all of the kids. It had been a while since the kids had been skating (although Sam did go with her 6th grade classmates on a field trip just before break began), and we kind of needed a break from being cooped up inside the house cleaning, so we decided to give it a shot. Of the five adults who went, I was the only one brave enough to don a pair of skates - rollerblades, to be precise. Tyler, Sam, and Jay all went with traditional roller skates, while Drew joined me with the blades. All in all everyone had a good time, although it took Tyler a long time to warm up to skating... he spent more time on the floor than anyone else! Hopefully we can do it again soon!

Skating at Rollhaven

Rodney skating along with Jayden and Erin.

Tyler skating by with Ben.

Rodney and Jayden once again.

Another look at Jay as Rod makes his way towards the exit to rest his aching shins.

Tyler trying to recover from a fall.

Jay skating towards the camera.

Drew showing off for the camera.

Tyler skating along with Samantha, Hannah, and Elizabeth.

Tyler, Sam, Hannah, and Elizabeth once again.

Drew flying by.

Jayden and Erin tried their hand at a present passing game.

A look at the crowd playing the game.

Jayden quickly passing the present along so that she isn't caught holding it when the music stops!

The the game was being played on the skating area, the adults and "big kids" took a break and got a drink.

Elizabeth looking on as Tyler made sure he got every last drop from his cup.

Another look at the group relaxing.

Jayden got caught holding the present this time around...

...but she had fun playing the game and didn't get upset about getting knocked out.


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