Game 4 - at MA 01 Girls Grey West
Samantha trying to sneak in behind a defender, looking for a
Sam fighting an opponent down the sideline in search of the
Sam and a teammate attacking the opposition in the corner.
Sam kicking the ball from the corner towards the net.
Sam charging down the field with the ball in her control...
...looking to make a pass to an open teammate or drive straight
to the net.
Sam dribbling the ball.
Sammie finally got mean and did some pushing back in order to
get the ball from the much bigger defender.
Sam waiting for the action to resume.
Sam looking around for her teammates positions.
Sam watching as the action takes place down the field.
Sam standing near her coach during a break in the action.
Sammie gaining control of the ball...
...and turning it around to make a pass to a teammate.
Sam fighting for the ball along the sideline.