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    After we completed the first obstacle on the course, the Barricade Breakdown, it was off to obstacle number two - the first new one we would encounter today. This obstacle was called Capsized Catamaran, and it consisted of floating plastic blocks stationed in the middle of a lake in the shape of an upside-down catamaran. We had to swim out to the blocks, climb up and onto them, run across, and finally jump back into the water to swim to the opposite shore. While this obstacle wasn't terribly difficult (aside from pulling yourself out of the water and up onto the blocks), the line here was atrocious. Of course just after we finished, the line was virtually zero, as you can see in one of the pictures below... figures!

    The next obstacle we came to, Chaotic Crossover, was another repeat from last year. It was three sections of horizontal cargo nets suspended about five feet above the ground. We had to maneuver across them as quick as we could. This was not overly challenging.

    Hard Rain was the fourth obstacle we came to, and was the second new one we had to accomplish so far. This obstacle required us to wade through a waist deep "pool" of cold, muddy water and then climb up a ladder, while getting drenched from streams of "rain" from above, before sliding down a wall on the back of the ladder. Not too bad, except the water raining down from above washed the sweat into my eyes. I hate that feeling!

    Up next was another new obstacle, called the Mud Mound. This wasn't really muddy at all, instead consisting of two or three (I forget) mounds of sand with deep trenches dug out in front of and behind each one. Tyler thought this one was especially easy, while neither Tara or I had an overly hard time with it either. There wasn't even any mud involved, despite the 2+ inches of rain the area had the couple of days prior to the event!

The 2012 Warrior Dash

The second obstacle we faced, Capsized Catamaran, was a new obstacle to us this year. It consisted of floating plastic blocks arranged to resemble a, uh, capsized catamaran. We had to swim out to the blocks, climb across them, and then swim to shore on the opposite side. This was the only obstacle with a HUGE line waiting to get across it.

Tyler and Tara running from the first obstacle to the second.

This was the first glimpse of the Capsized Catamaran that we had...

...but we couldn't see the huge line from up on the hill. This was where we lost a lot of time.

Here is Tara and Tyler (towards the back) making their way across the floating blocks.

Tyler walking across the blocks.

A look back from the opposite shore after the crowd had passed through.

The third obstacle was Chaotic Crossover, another repeat. This obstacle consisted of three connected sections of cargo nets suspended about 6 feet in the air that you had to cross.

Tara and Tyler making their way to the third obstacle of the race.

Tara waiting her turn to climb onto the nets.

Tyler didn't hesitate, jumping right onto the ropes.

Obstacle number four was called Hard Rain, and it required us to wade through a pool of water before climbing up a ladder-like structure while water streamed down on us from above. This wasn't terribly difficult, except the back consisted of a slightly angled sheet of plywood that we had to slide down on our stomachs. Not a load of fun...

Before we could make it to Hard Rain, we had to descend several steep, muddy hills.

Tyler waiting to wade into the pool at Hard Rain.

Tara getting drenched as she makes the climb up the ladder.

The fifth obstacle was called the Mud Mound, although it really wasn't muddy at all. It was several mounds of sand (including dug in holes) that we had to trek into and over.

A look at the Mud Mound.

Tyler making his way up the hill.

Tyler nearing the top of the first hill (there were several).

Tara running up the side of the Mud Mound.

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