Christmas Day

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December 25th, 2013              

    Finally, the day the kids have been looking forward to for months has arrived! Christmas! The only thing that I have to say is that it may appear that Tyler didn't get much this year, but in fact he got a pair of shoes and a pair of pants early this year, and those items are not shown. Otherwise, I'll let the pictures do the talking!

Christmas Day

Drew is busy pointing out the gifts as Samantha looks on.

Jayden, Sam, and Drew digging into their stockings.

Tyler got some Izze soda in his stocking.

Drew got the latest "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book in his stocking.

Sam found some lip balm in her stocking.

Jay got some lip balm in her stocking as well.

Tyler was excited to find a bottle of Drakkar Noir in his stocking as well.

Jay, Sam, and Drew showing off more of their stocking items.

Jay and Sam checking out their new hair supply items from their stockings.

Tyler got a "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock" game (from The Big Bang Theory) in his stocking.

Tyler got a long awaited gift from Santa Claus this year - Beats headphones.

Samantha was excited to get her own set of Beats headphones from Santa.

Drew received a limited edition Lego set from Santa Claus... well as a case for his minifigures.

Jayden was excited to tear into her gift from Santa...

...which turned out to be a new Barbie car!

Each of the kids also got a giant package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups from Santa.

Jayden & Samantha and Tyler & Drew worked together to open their next gifts from Santa...

...which were new TV's for their bedrooms!

Another look at the kids checking out their new TV's.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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