Drew's Field Trip

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May 21st, 2013              

    Drew's class took their year-ending field trip to Indian Springs Metropark to learn about nature, and I was lucky enough to join him. After arriving at the park, we headed out on the nature trails to learn about various plants and animals. Along the way we got to see giant ant hills, various birds and bugs, tadpoles, fish, snakes, turtles, frogs, and ducks. Once our walk was complete, we headed inside to learn about the pollination of flowers (with a special dressing up of one of Drew's friends) and how seeds make their way to new homes. The kids even got to try out some of the methods, including floating and flying seeds. After that it was time for lunch and some free time to explore before we climbed back onto the bus to make the trek back to school (and for me, to work). All in all it was a fun time, and it was nice to spend it with Drew.

Indian Springs Metropark

The outside of the environmental building.

Drew and his classmates listening to their guide for the day.

A look out across the meadows at Indian Springs.

A turtle swimming in an seaweed filled pond.

A tadpole swimming in the water.

There were also several fish in the pond where the tadpoles were found.

Drew took this picture of his partner for the day, Josh.

Josh took this picture of Drew.

Josh and Drew together (looking into the sun).

A look across one of the ponds.

A water snake warming itself on a log.

Another view of the water snake.

Look closely and it turns out that there are two snakes sunning on the log.

A frog in the water.

The class making their way down the nature trail.

Another pond.

This one sported a duck.

A display inside the environmental building.

One of Drew's classmates got to dress up as a flower to demonstrate how they pollinate.

Drew passing a giant pine cone to a classmate.

Drew and his classmates figuring out which poop belongs to which animals.

Drew and his classmates figured out which kind of seeds were which, and which animal leaves behind which kind of poop. Fun!

Drew flinging a seed at the target.

Drew and his classmates playing with various floating seeds.


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