March 30th

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March 30th, 2014              

    We checked out of our hotel this morning so that we could make the long drive back home. Although we took the day off from work and school, we knew we would be stopping for the night along the way, leaving another long day of driving tomorrow. We also had at least one more stop in mind: The World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. Although we originally intended on visiting this attraction after the Georgia Aquarium yesterday, we decided that there was no way we could fit it all in before having to return for the wedding. So, after stopping for breakfast, we headed into Atlanta to tour The World of Coca-Cola.

The World of Coca-Cola

A giant light-up Coca-Cola sign visible from the street.

Steve and Tyler waiting to enter The World of Coca-Cola.

Guests enjoying free samples of Coca-Cola and other products from around the world at the end of their tour.

A cool Coca-Cola banner hanging in the entrance lobby.

The crowd gathering to enter the exhibit space.

Prior to going inside, we were moved into this room full of memorabilia for a quick rundown of the history of Coca-Cola and of the exhibit spaces themselves.

A cool vending machine on display.

Samantha wanted these pants very badly... they did offer a pajama version in the store, but they didn't quite recreate the look in the same way.

The urn-like device in the middle was the first Coca-Cola dispenser. It dispensed syrup into a glass, which water could then be added and mixed together prior to drinking.

On either end of this display is coin banks that dispensed a small amount of Coca-Cola every time you made a deposit!

A cool advertising sign.

The main lobby of The World of Coca-Cola.

This was the most lifelike mascot we have ever seen. His eyes and mouth moved like a real bear. Very cool...

Jayden standing in front of the entrance to "The Vault" exhibit.

Jay and Samantha posing for a photo together.

The entrance to "The Vault" exhibit, where the recipe for Coca-Cola is said to be stored.

Tara checking out some of the Coca-Cola displays in one of the exhibits.

Some cool Coca-Cola fountain mirrors and glasses.

Rodney taking a picture of himself in an overhead mirror.

Tyler, Sam, Jay, and Drew posing for a picture in the overhead mirror.

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