March 31st

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March 31st, 2014              

    Here are some of the sights from our drive north from Georgia, including a side trip off of I-75 to make a drive through the Cumberland Gap Tunnel...

The Drive North

A cool bridge (apparently in the process of being replaced) that we crossed while on our trip.

Driving through the mountains on a two-lane highway presented some pretty scenery.

The cattle sure were enjoying the hillside on this sunny day!

Here we are approaching the Cumberland Gap Tunnel.

We were shifted over to what would normally be the tunnel for the south side of the highway.

A look at one of the mountain peaks we passed before entering the tunnel.

The entrance to the Cumberland Gap Tunnel.

A look inside the tunnel.

Approaching the end of the tunnel!

Open roads...

More beautiful mountainsides.

A look at the mountains cut away for roadways.

    After passing through the Cumberland Gap Tunnel we were able to stop at the Harland Sanders Museum and Café for lunch...

Harland Sanders Museum and Café

A look at the original "Sanders Café" and the modern (at least inside) KFC attached to it.

The historical marker designating the birthplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

A model of the Sanders Court motel.

On the left is the Sanders Café while the Sanders Court motel is on the right. When they were opened the road out front was a main thoroughfare south to Florida.

Jayden posing with a statue of Colonel Sanders.

Another look at Jay with Colonel Sanders.

Tyler couldn't help but goof around, taking a moment to clear Colonel Sanders nose of a little something...

...and then deciding to thank him for his wonderful fried chicken recipe.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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