Year-End Celebration

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March 21st, 2015              

    Drew's hockey team celebrated the end of the season with a party on Saturday, March 21st, at the Lapeer Community Center. The team gathered for a meal together before the players received a gift from the coaches, and the players gave the coaches gifts as well.

'05 Storm Year-End Celebration

Drew and his '05 Storm teammates listening to their coach.

The '05 Storm banner.

Drew accepting his gift from his head coach and team manager.

Drew showing off the shirt that he got from his coach and team manager.

Drew (center row, fourth from the right) and his '05 Storm teammates.

A closer look at Drew (looking back at his coaches) and the rest of the hockey team.

    After eating and celebrating the season with the hockey family, the party moved to the pool area where the kids had some fun!

'05 Storm Year-End Celebration Pool Party

Drew playing in the fountain at the pool (trying to look like he is peeing, of course!).

Drew standing under a downpour of water in the pool.

Tyler running down the diving board...

...and launching into a cannonball...

...before splashing down into the pool.

Samantha taking her turn on the diving board...

...and spinning around in the air...

...and nearly completing the 360...

...before crashing down into the pool.

Tyler doing a standing belly-flop...

...and smacking down...

...and making a big splash.

The "Swirl-pool" was a busy spot!

Jayden posing for a picture in the fountains.

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