Field Day

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June 4th, 2015              

    For the second year in a row, I wasn't able to make it to Field Day at the kids school. Too many days off of work lately trying to keep up with all of the kids activities! Thankfully both Drew and Jayden had their field days at different times of the day, allowing my Mom to be able to follow each of the kids around and take pictures for me. While Jay got the morning session, Drew got to enjoy the afternoon outside!

Patterson Field Day

The first event that Drew's class participated in was called the "Great Wall of China", which involved starting with two people who tagged anyone who attempted to cross the "Wall", ending when there was only two people left to cross.

Drew was running all over, tagging as many people as he could.

Drew looking for someone to tag.

Drew's next event involved kids running between two rows of classmates armed with balls...

...which they were using to roll at the running kid's feet in an attempt to get them "out".

Drew rolling a ball at a runner.

Drew making his way between the row of throwers.

Another shot of Drew running while trying to avoid being hit by the balls.

Drew running the opposite direction once again...

...and leaping to avoid being his in the heal.

Up next was a game that required two teammates to carry a soccer ball without using their hands across the course.

Drew and his teammate tried making their way around the course with the ball between their backs...

...and switched so that they are both going forward...

...before switching spots.

Drew and his teammate chuckling as they tried to keep the ball in the air.

Another shot of the boys laughing as they make their way around the course.

One more picture of the boys with the ball between them.

Up next was an event in which you had to carry a tennis ball on a racquet.

The next event was a water relay, where the kids had to carry a cup full of water...

...and fill up a milk jug at the other end.

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