Jayden's 9th Birthday

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December 6th, 2015              

    Our baby girl is growing up, as she celebrated her 9th birthday today! Unfortunately for me I wasn't able to be there to celebrate with her in person, but I was able to video chat with her and watch her open her presents. Since I didn't see who gave her what, I won't speculate on that here. I do know that she loved her presents, including the cash that she got and the American Girl doll that was yet to arrive in time for her party from Dad, Mom, Tyler, Samantha, and Drew. Happy birthday baby girl!

Jayden's 9th Birthday

Jayden opening a card...

...and loving the money that was inside!

Jay holding up her SandArt as she reads the back of the box.

Jay showing off her SandArt.

Jay smirking as someone (probably a sibling!) said something to her.

Jay was still not amused as she opened another gift.

Jay listening as everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to her.

Jayden with her cake.

Another picture of Jay with her cake.

Jay getting ready to blow out her candles.

Jayden video chatting with her dad on the phone.

Jay decorated her own cake this year! (And did an awesome job!)

The family getting ready to enjoy some cake and ice cream.


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