Florida Vacation #2

Home Up June 28th June 30th July 3rd


    A lot has changed since we headed to Florida last December. For starters, Tara is working there now, we are in the process of looking to buy a house there, and I am searching for a job there as well. The kids are all pretty excited to start school there this fall as well. While I listed this as a vacation, it was more of a working trip than vacation. We were looking for houses and showing the kids around most of the time we were there. We did get some time to have fun, and you can see those pictures by following the links below:

  • June 28th - Click here for photos of our trip to the pool at Sun-n-Fun.
  • June 30th - This link will take you to the pictures of our trip to the pool at Sun-n-Fun.
  • July 3rd - Follow this link to see pictures of movie night at the Sun-n-Fun pool.


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