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July 25th, 2015              

    And more pictures from our time at the Tahquamenon Falls...

Tahquamenon Falls - Paradise

Tyler and Carlos sitting on a small waterfall.

A close-up of Tyler and Carlos.

The Beatles Abbey Road album. Or Samantha, Mariah, Tyler, and Carlos crossing the river.

Sam making her way across the rocks.

Another look at Sam, Mariah, Tyler, and Carlos crossing the river.

Sam practicing her karate moves on a rock.

A look back at the river.

The "forest" on an island in the middle of the river.

A sign describing the dangerous nature of the river.

A look at the river.

Samantha and Tyler climbing down the rocks in the river.

Carlos and Tyler enjoying the views.

Sam sitting on a rock ledge with the waterfall flowing nearby.

Tyler sitting behind a waterfall.

Tyler sitting in a hole in the rock bed.

A look at one of the many waterfalls...

...and some more...

...and still more.

Tyler standing in a waterfall.

Mariah and Samantha  sitting under a giant rock.

Please click here for page four of the photos


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