Christmas Eve

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December 24th, 2016              


    Following our annual tradition, the kids took some time to open a couple of presents tonight. Things started out with the gifts that they bought for each other following a name draw, then they moved on to a special present from Dad & Mom - back to pajamas! The tradition lives on...


Christmas Eve

Crush was looking forward to getting the gift unwrapping underway!

Jayden's gift-giver this year was Drew. The first present that she unwrapped from him was a giant tube of Smarties!

Jay working on unwrapping her next present...

...and giant bag of Sour Patch Watermelons!

Drew got to take his turn next, opening his presents from Tyler this year.

Since Tyler wrapped everything he got Drew in a single box, he thought it would be funny to wrap an apple up for him too just so that he would have something else to open.

Samantha was next, opening her presents from Jayden...

...including this sweet memory foam travel pillow (perfect for those hours spent laying in bed watching videos on her phone!).

Sam enjoying the feel of her travel pillow.

Sam opening up a second gift from Jay...

...which turned out to be three cool bottles of nail polish.

Crush was interested in Tyler's first present from Samantha...

...which was a bag of Reese's trees.

Tyler also got to open a second gift, which was...

...some cologne that Sam enjoyed the scent of.

Jayden was up next, with another gift from Drew...

...which turned out to be her own travel pillow...

...covered in emoji's!

Drew also got Jay a portable battery pack for her phone...

...a poop emoji battery pack, that is!

Please click here for page two of the photos


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