Snowcoming Dance

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February 11th, 2017              

Samantha was able to attend her first Snowcoming Dance at Holly High School this year, and in a surprise twist, she got to do so with her boyfriend from Florida, Derek. Some behind the scenes footwork by Tara and Derek's aunt made it possible to fly Derek in unbeknownst to Sam, who was thoroughly surprised when she saw Derek for the first time. Needless to say she was very happy that they were able to make this happen.

Sam and Derek went to the dance with Sam's friend Mariah after meeting up at her house to take pictures.


Holly High School Snowcoming Dance

Samantha and Derek dressed for the dance.

A few more shots of Sam and Derek...


Sam and her friend Mariah before the dance.

A closer look at Sam and Mariah.

Samantha, Derek, and Mariah.

Another of Sam, Derek, and Mariah.

Sam and Derek again.

Samantha, Derek, and Mariah outside of a barn in town before the dance.

A closer look at Sam, Derek, and Mariah.

Sam and Derek together.

Sam and Mariah posing together.

A few more pictures of Sam and Mariah...



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