Lansing Field Trip

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June 5th, 2017            

Jayden's fourth grade class ended the school year with a field trip to the state capital of Michigan, Lansing. I volunteered as a chaperone for this trip, and our first stop was at the Woldumar Nature Center, where the kids explored trails and learned about the life cycle. After eating lunch lunch, we headed to the Michigan Historical Museum. One of the 4th grade teachers led the children around the museum providing a tour and commentary as they wandered through. For the final leg of our trip, we all walked over to the State Capitol building, where we were able to learn about the different branches of the government, meet Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, and take a tour of the capitol building itself. All in all this was an enjoyable trip with a great group of kids. You could tell they enjoyed their time out of classroom!

- Tara


Patterson Elementary Fourth Grade Field Trip - Lansing, Michigan

Jenna and Jayden carrying the basket of lunches off the bus at Woldumar Nature Center.

The trail guide selecting children to be predators for the life cycle game they were about to play.

Jay and Jenna eager to be selected as a secondary consumer.

The predators ready to play the game.

Jayden working on collecting eggs to eat

Staying in the "Home" (safe place) so the secondary consumers could not eat them.

Jayden off to collect more eggs as a primary consumer.

An overturned tree on the trail, whose exposed roots provideg a home for insects.

A tree blossom many insects use as food.

Woodpeckers used this tree to feed on bugs and sap from the wood.

A stream along the trail often used by otter, turtles, frogs, and several other predators.

A bird perched on the stream.

The basin of the stream.

A tree that was struck by lightning.

A plant along the trail that several bugs were feeding off of.

The "in" door of a fox home...

...and the "out" door.

Bird carcass near the fox home door.

Hilly trail while wandering with the guide.

The guide explaining a tree she saw along the trail.

Another spot woodpeckers had been feeding out of on a tree.

The spine looking growth is poison ivy climbing a tree. Although it may not have leaves, it still contains oils often causing a reaction to humans and can be harmful if the tree is cut and burned.

Jayden and Jenna on the trail listening to the trail guide.

Trail guide explaining the types of secondary consumers often found on the trails.

Another shot of the class listening to the trail guide.

A skin from a fox, which is a secondary consumer.

Ruth Johnson, Secretary of State, met the children outside of her office. She explained to them her role for the state and how important it is to be a registered voter in Michigan.

One of Lansing's museums.

Jay and Jenna in front of a fountain on the way to the Michigan Historical Museum.

Another shot of the girls.

A picture of Jayden in front of the fountain.

These two silly girls were pretending to be TV broadcasters with the pseudonyms of Billy and Jim Bob.

The outside of the Michigan Historical Museum.

A fountain in the middle of the museum.

Classmates taking a break from all the walking.

A better shot with many more looking on.

Me taking a picture of Jenna, taking a picture of Gabby. Gabby told me that she wants to be a photographer someday.

The way Michigan was divided in early establishment.

Various roads that the early settlers created and traveled.

The wood stacked up against the wall were some of the timbers created by the many trees cut down in Michigan. The very large wheels off to the right are those of a wagon used to haul tree trunks to the mill by horses.

Jayden and Jenna reading and writing in a one room classroom

Jay and Jenna posing for the camera.

An explanation of what students studied at this era in history.

An explanation of what a bedroom was used for many years ago.

Jayden and Jenna traveling in a buggy across country.

The home settings are replicas of the individuals noted on the wall.

Another reference to the homes.

One more...

...and the last one.

The front of the classroom in a one-room school house.

The top of the pine tree that extends from the base of the fountain.

Jayden - Votes for Women!

And a close up of her.

Jenna and Jayden looking in a mirror in the automotive shop.

Parts found in an automotive shop.

Another shot of the automotive shop.

An article about diversity in Michigan.

Coats sold at Kresge/Hudson's Company.

Hudson's charge accounts.

Details about prohibition in the Detroit. The famous Carry Nation (Holly reference) was listed in this article.

The kids lifting a window to a secret door used by many who were against prohibition.

Curlers used to set a lady's hair.

Beauty chair and basin to wash hair - wig on the chair seat.

An image of the Guardian Building, which can be found in downtown Detroit.

Various union logos.

Jayden and Jenna arguing as to who would be union president.

Many of the items used during a strike.

Typical living room.

I believe my husband many have played with these tinker toys at some point...

Another shot of the living room.

A "modern" kitchen.

A kitchen table in the 1940's.

Jayden showing us her muscles.

Jenna not paying attention when I took a photo.

Jenna showing her muscles.

Kitchen in the 1950's - Jayden and Jenna were cracking me up with the fact that the dishwasher wasn't under the counter.

Living room and kitchen of the 1950's.

Girl's taking in the setting.

Photo of the dishwasher and a step stool just like the one I used to use at my grandmother's house when I was a kid.

Corvette! Who doesn't love a photo of a car like this?!?

Interesting article about Michigan in the 1960's.

Jayden trying to pedal a very large wheeled bike...

...but not quite able to reach the pedals!

Shot of the Capitol as we were walking to our tour.

Close-up of the capitol

Inside view of the round at the capitol, the peak represent stars, then the various industry/commerce in Michigan.

A chandelier which used to be lit by gas lights when the building was originally built - 137 years ago.

Think this is marble? Think again! It is layers of paint made to look like marble.

Just like the photo above, this too is just paint. Amazing to learn the innovative ideas used to save cost when the building was constructed.

More paint used to look like copper or high end material.

Better shot of the stars in the round.

The stairs are made of steel and created by the company stamped on them.

More paint detail throughout the building and a light that is 137 years old.

Ceiling detail and again more paint.

This is the governors office - only used for special meetings.

A better shot of the office.

Another gas light that represent the state of Michigan seal.

All the hinges in the building have the state seal much like the one in this photo.

A couple of chaperones keeping their eye on a different group of kids.

Here is the class sitting on the glass floor inside the capitol building. The panes are only 1/2 inch thick. Many are as old as the building with only a few having been replaced.

The marble tile in the building...

...include some that have fossils from Michigan lakes.

Gerald Ford... the only Michigan Governor to become a US President.

Former Governor Jennifer Granholm.

Former Governer John Engler

A look at the ceilings as you walk up and down the staircases in the building

The House of Representatives chambers.

Ceiling which contains state seals for all the US States.

A gaslight chandelier.

Sign etched above door letting people know that the room is the House of Representative Chambers.

Chairs where the Speaker of the House and two assistants sit.

Better shot of the images of commerce in the round.

The Supreme Court Room.

Room is now used for special meetings for the Appropriations Committee.

Ambrielle - Jayden's friend looking back at me.

Paint detail made to look like wallpaper.

Another gaslight chandelier.

Ceiling painted in another hallway... the detail is amazing.

State Senators Office.

Larger view of the room.

Painted detail on the ceiling.

Much like the House of Representatives, the Senate has the same ceiling tiles noting each state in the US.

Three chairs at the front are for the Senate Officers.

The glass floor from underneath. Amazing to see people walking across while looking up.

The pillars hold up the floor and represent the center of the building.

The words on the wall create an illusion that they are etched in stone on the wall, when in fact it is just paint.

The compass on the floor represent the direction of each wing within the capitol building.

Jayden's 4th grade class on the front steps of the capital building.

A closer picture of the class on the steps.

A silly photo of the class...

Jayden on the steps.

Jay and Jenna posing on the steps.

Maybe someday, they will make the world a better place!


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