Christmas Day

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December 25th, 2017            

Christmas morning has arrived, and although it wasn't the Christmas that I had envisioned, everyone was appreciative for the gifts that Santa was able to place under our tree this year.

From all of us in the Peters family, we hope that you enjoyed your Christmas day as much as we did!


Christmas Day

Jayden holding up the lip balm that came in her stocking.

Drew was "thrilled" by the pink lip balm he got in his stocking... was Tyler by his his stocking lip balm.

Samantha looking at the lotion that she got in her stocking.

Jay opening up a present from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry...

...which was an Olaf ornament for our Disney Tree.

Drew with the Camaro ornament that he got from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry.

Sam showing off the Elsa ornament that she got from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry.

Tyler was less than thrilled with his Olaf ornament that he got from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry...

...but was relieved when Rose pointed out that he had opened her gift!

Rose showing off the Chevy truck ornament that Tyler was supposed to open.

Tyler and Rose with their ornaments from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry.

Jayden opening the gift that Samantha gave her for the Secret Santa drawing...

...which turned out to be a giraffe necklace that formed a heart.

Sam opening up her Secret Santa gift from Rose...

...which included a lip treatment...

...some other makeup items...

...a box of lip paints.

Tyler opening up his Secret Santa gift from Jay...

...which included a hat...

...that Jay thought was hilarious!

Tyler also got another present from Jay...

...that included two additional gifts wrapped inside the first... of which turned out to be...

...a box of Nerds candy...

...and a new set...

...of headphones.

Rose was up next with her Secret Santa gift from Drew...

...which included a hat of her own.

Tyler and Rose (in her Beauty and the Beast hat) showing off their new hats.

Rose also got some lotion from Drew...

...and a bag of candy.

Jayden also got Samantha a small present from the school Santa shop this year...

...which was a nice necklace that Jay was very proud of.

Jasper wearing Tyler's new hat.

Sam holding up the necklace that Jay got her.

Jay opening up her first present from Santa...

...which was a blanket...

...that represents a place she is dying to visit...


Drew opening up one of his presents from Santa...

...a sweatshirt...

...with the Detroit Red Wings logo on it.

Sam opening up one of her gifts from Santa...

...and checking out the box...

...only to see a tiny bead inside...

...a new charm for her Pandora bracelet...

...which she was proud to show off.

Rose opening up a makeup item fro Santa... well as...

...some new art brushes...

...that she was happy with... well as...

...a bath set.

Jay opening up another gift from Santa...

...which was a Lego Friends...


Drew opening up a gift from Santa...

...which turned out to be the NHL 18 video game he was asking for.

Rodney showing off the Coca-Cola ornament that he got from Rose.

Tara got a glass sea turtle ornament from Rose.

Rod opening up his gifts from Santa...

...which included an expansion pack for Cards Against Humanity...

...and another gift...

...the turned out to be...

...another Cards Against Humanity expansion pack.

Rod also got the Despicable Me 3 movie.

Rod opening another present...

...that turned out to be a t-shirt...

...with a Christmas Story leg lamp cookie cutter inside.

Rod checking out the t-shirt...

...which was a Walt Disney saying in the shape of Mickey Mouse.

Tara & Rodney on the couch.

Tara looking at the ornament that she got from Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry...

...which was a beach chair ornament.

Rodney got a Santa Mickey ornament fro Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry.

Tara got an Instant Pot from Santa this year!

Tara giving the kids the evil eye.

Each of the kids wrote Tara a letter for Christmas this year...

...some of which were funny...

...and some were touching...

...and some brought a tear to her eye...

...but they were all heartfelt...

...and loving.

Merry Christmas Tara! We love you!


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