Day 3 - Sights

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May 25th, 2018            

Tyler got another day of base leave, and we decided to spend it at the San Antonio Riverwalk. On our way we stopped at Lulu's Bakery & Cafe, where we dined on a couple of three pound cinnamon rolls (for some reason I didn't take any pictures of these monsters, though I thought I did). Yes, three pounds! After that we headed over to the Shops at Rivercenter, as Tyler was looking to buy some new shoes to play basketball in on the base. Below are a couple of pictures from our way in to the Rivercenter...


Misc. San Antonio Sights

Looking across the street at the Riverwalk from the parking garage.

A boat tour leaving for a Riverwalk tour.


We finally made it to the mall, wandering around the Shops at Rivercenter. We even tried some Dragons Breath! Here are my pictures from our shopping excursion...


Shops at Rivercenter

Yes, we saw this in the mall!

Our Dragons Breath being made. Dragons Breath was some kind of frozen concoction that tasted like Fruit Loops.

Jayden, Samantha, Tyler, Rose, and Drew trying the Dragons Breath.

The kids taking Dragons Breath selfies.

Another photo of selfies as Drew freezes his mouth.

Tara trying the Dragons Breath.

Grandma Terry tasting one of the Dragons Breath treats...

...and feeling the cold...

...and reacting appropriately.

Tyler breathing out the cold air...

...and blowing it out of his mouth.

Jay getting her hair done...

...for her photo with the dead people!

Tyler and Rose walking through the outside part of the mall.

The pictures below are from our walk to the Riverwalk from the Shops at Rivercenter...


Misc. San Antonio Sights

A horse-drawn carriage waiting to take people on a tour of town.

A building in San Antonio.

Some artwork we saw on our walk.

A plaque describing the founding of San Antonio.

We finally made it to the famed Riverwalk for a walk to enjoy the sights. Here are some of my pictures...


San Antonio Riverwalk

Tyler, Rose, and Grandpa Gary making their way under a bridge along the river.

A duck swimming in the river.

A family being serenaded while eating lunch.

A momma duck with her ducklings.

Rose and Tyler posing for a picture.

A cool building along the Riverwalk.

Sam posing for a picture on a pedestrian bridge over the river.

Rose and Tyler on the pedestrian bridge.

Another cool looking building along the Riverwalk.

Another building.

Jay posing on the pedestrian bridge.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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