FC Sarasota Game #7 - at WHYSA Kicks 2001
Samantha looking back as the ball glances off her leg.
Sam settling down a bouncing ball.
Sam getting off a pass as a WHYSA player closes in.
Sam getting ready to kick the ball towards the goal.
Sam battling for defensive position on a corner kick...
...and heading the ball away from the goal.
Sam watching the ball come down to her...
...before getting a foot on it.
Sam going after the ball.
Sam taking a corner kick...
...and sending the ball towards the goal...
...watching the ball soar.
Samantha lining up the ball...
...and taking aim...
...and sending the ball forward.
Sam taking aim at the ball...
...and winding up...
...and making the kick...
...and watching as the pass sails ahead to a teammate.
Sam getting ready to pass ahead to a teammate.
Sam looking up the field while dribbling the ball.
Samantha lining up another corner kick...
...and kicking the ball...
...and sending it on goal.