Holly Purple Heart Softball Game #12 - vs. Holly 2
Jayden looking at a pitch come in high.
Jay looking for a good pitch to hit...
...but fouling the ball off.
Jay with another foul ball.
Jay looking at another pitch.
Jay swinging at a pitch she liked...
...but sending it foul down the third base line...
...but doing a good job of continuing her follow-through.
Jay reaching out for another pitch...
...and once again hitting it towards third base...
...but it too went foul.
Jay swinging at another pitch...
...but sending this one down towards her feet.
Jay in her usual position in left field.
Jay returning to the bench with her teammates after another
successful inning in the field.
Jay back at the plate one last time...
...and making good contact with the ball...
...and sending it high into the field...
...and she follows through on her swing...
...and starts to run!
Jay rounding second base after a successful steal attempt.
Jay on second base.
Jay on third after a teammates walk.
Jay coming home to score after another walk.
Jay acting silly after scoring a run.
Jay in the field at a position other than left field (for a
change), as she got a change to play third base for an inning.