March 18th

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March 18th, 2020             

65/50°, Rainy             

Gail, Tara, Drew, Jayden, and I all got up early to get ready and grab some breakfast before loading into the car to make the trek to the north to the Grand Canyon. The drive itself was rather uneventful, with stops for lunch at McDonald’s and a scenic rest area being our only detours.


Drive to the Grand Canyon

Here are some of the views from the scenic rest area...


Jayden and Tara posing for a picture.

Tara, Drew, and Jay.

Tara, Drew, Jay, and Rodney.

There was some snow on the ground on our drive north to the canyon...


A panoramic photo from the scenic rest area.

Once we arrived at the Kaibab National Forest, we stopped at several scenic viewpoints along Desert View Drive, which gave us some impressive views of the Grand Canyon. It was cold when we arrived and got colder while we were there (the high for the day there was 39°, and the low was 31°). There was no sun today, and as we moved eastward along the south rim the canyon began to fog over. By the time we made our last couple of stops, it was snowing! Tara and Jayden even had a snowball fight in one of the parking lots! With snow on the ground, Drew got his first opportunity to drive in it. He did great and even pointed out to us that he drove in snow before he had the chance to drive in the rain!


Grand Canyon

Here it is, the Grand Canyon!

(I'm not going to caption each photo... I think you can figure out what they are!)


Jayden taking in the view.


The "Duck on a Rock"...


Drew, Tara, Jay, and Rodney.


Drew and Tara making their way down one of the trails.

Drew and Jay posing for a picture on a trail.


Tara taking a selfie!


The Colorado River snaking through the canyon.


Tara and Drew peering into the canyon.

Tara posing for a picture in front of the canyon.


A rather interesting couple were also checking out the Grand Canyon.


By the time we were about ready to leave, the canyon was getting obscured by fog.

A raven checking us out in the parking lot.

Rod, Drew, Tara, and Jay wondering...

...where the Grand Canyon went!

Rodney posing for a picture in front of the Grand Canyon. Maybe...?


Rodney, Jayden, and Tara in the car between stops at the Grand Canyon.

Drew getting his first opportunity... in the snow.

The snow was piling up as we drove between viewing spots.

Jay and Tara having fun...

...throwing snowballs at each other.

You could barely see into the canyon at this point...


A view of the snow on the roadway.

And a couple more pictures of Jay and Tara...

...having fun in the snow.

A panoramic photo of the Grand Canyon.
A panoramic photo of the Grand Canyon.
A panoramic photo of the Grand Canyon.
A panoramic photo of the Grand Canyon.
A panoramic photo of the Grand Canyon.

Tara's selfie in front of the Grand Canyon.

A few of Tara's pictures of the Grand Canyon...


Tara and Drew posing for a picture.

Another Tara selfie.

Drew pointing the Grand Canyon out to Tara!

Another of Tara's pictures of the Grand Canyon.

Another Tara selfie.

Another of Tara's pictures of the Grand Canyon.

Another Tara selfie.

Another of Tara's pictures of the Grand Canyon.

Tara and Jayden...

...battling the wind!

Another of Tara's pictures of the Grand Canyon.

By the time we decided that it was time to head back to Tucson, the park rangers were closing the roads down. I got to take the wheel for most of the drive home, as I was really the only one comfortable with driving in such heavy snow. We did make a couple of pit stops on our way – one at a mercantile near Williams, Arizona (a quaint little store/gas station that was also a post office) and later for gas. We also stopped for dinner, which we ate at Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers.

By the time we arrived back at Jerry & Gail’s, we were quite exhausted. It didn’t take us long before we were ready to retire for the night, after what we all agreed was our best day in Arizona so far!


Drive from the Grand Canyon

A look at the snow accumulating on the side of the roadway.

Snow on the mountains.

More snow along the roadside.

Snow accumulating in the woods.

The view out the windshield on the way home.

Tara's picture of the snow after leaving the Grand Canyon.


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