Pajama Pictures

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December 19th, 2021            

After a one year COVID haitus, we once again got new Christmas pajamas. We couldn't do them as Christmas Eve gifts this year because we weren't all able to get together that night this year. Tyler and Rose got a pair of pajamas as well, but they too weren't able to be with us this year. A special thank you to Samantha for coming up with the idea of doing funny Christmas shirts this year, and for getting them for everybody as her gift to us. Thank you Sam! Below are some of our favorite photos...


Christmas Pajama Pictures

Drew, Jayden, and Samantha posing in their new pajamas by the "fire"...


...and an obligatory middle finger picture from the kids!

Drew, Jay, and Sam joined by Derek.

Baloo (in Drew's arms) and Jasper (in Sam's) joining the kids photo...


Rodney, Tara, Jay, Drew, Sam, and Derek...


Rodney & Tara.

Derek & Sam.

Samantha showing off her Christmas shirt...

"Christmas Balls/Penises"


Drew showing off his Christmas shirt...

"I'm Laying On Your Present"


Derek with his Christmas shirt.

"Make Xmas Great Again"

Jayden with both her Christmas shirt and cookies!

Tara representing her Christmas shirt with a side of alcohol.

"Ho Ho Holy Shit I'm Drunk"

Rodney showing off his Christmas shirt.

"How Snowflakes Are Really Made!"

Sam showing off the meaning of her shirt.


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