Senior Pictures

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Saturday, December 10th, 2022            

Continuing the tradition of me taking senior photos for the kids, here are some of my first attempts at Drew's pictures. We got up in the morning to head to the University of Tampa campus to get some shots at Plant Hall, which was originally the extravagant Tampa Bay Hall many years ago before closing down until the university moved into the site. The pictures below are some of my favorites from our time on campus...

Senior Pictures - University of Tampa - Tampa, Florida


One of the domes on Plant Hall, formerly the Tampa Bay Hotel.


Plant Hall has some interesting architectural features throughout the building.


Drew standing in front of one of the wraparound porches on Plant Hall...


Some of the minarets on Plant Hall.


Drew on the stairs to the main entrance of Plant Hall...


Drew standing in front of the Henry Bradley Plant Memorial Fountain with the "Transportation" statue in the center...


Drew posing for pictures with the Sticks of Fire sculpture in Plant Park...


Drew sitting for pictures on a park bench in Plant Park...


Drew posing for some pictures beside the stairs to Kennedy Boulevard along the Hillsborough River...


Drew posing for a picture alongside the Hillsborough River.


Drew posing for a few pictures beside the Hillsborough River in Pant Park...


Drew posing for a pictures beside the Hillsborough River with the Kennedy Boulevard bridge in the background...


A rail bridge raised in the air on the Hillsborough River.


A look at Plant Hall across the campus.


The main entrance to Plant Hall.


Drew on one of the staircases inside Plant Hall.


Drew on the pole at Smiley Hall.


Drew with a giant smile at Smiley Hall.


One of the domes on Plant Hall, formerly the Tampa Bay Hotel.


Some of the minarets on Plant Hall.




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