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Saturday, December 30th, 2023            

Tonight we drove into Tampa to check out the car show and lights on display at the Chick-fil-A. Although the car show wasn't as big as we hoped, there was a few nice ones there to check out. The lights were pretty as well. We are certainly glad we got to experience this tonight as a family!

Chick-fil-A Christmas Lights and Car Show


A couple of VW Busses decorated for Christmas...


...with a VW Beetle next to it.


A Hot Wheels dune buggy at the car show... well as a nice Chevrolet El Camino.


Some of the Christmas lights on the Chick-fil-A building.


A peek in the back of one of the VW Busses... well as the other.


Santa and his reindeer leaping over a Merry Christmas sign.


A color changing Christmas tree...


Jayden, Tyler, Tara, Drew, and Rodney attempting to take a family picture (Samantha was unable to join us, as she was in the Carolinas visiting with friends)...


...and almost succeeding at a decent picture.


Tara found the situation amusing as Drew did his best to behave.


Tara, Drew, and Rodney sharing a laugh.


Jayden giving the Peters Family Salute.


The kids practicing for their future careers... pole dancers...


...which Drew found humorous.


Tara & Rodney posing for a picture.


Happy Moo Year...


...and Moo-ree Christmas!



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