October 2nd - Page 2

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Monday, October 2nd, 2023            

We'll continue by wrapping up our time on Journey Into Imagination With Figment. Though we enjoyed our journey with Figment, this ride is definitely in need of an update.

We decided to take on one last ride before leaving the park, so we crossed to the other side to get on Test Track. We used Steve's DAS pass for this one as well, and despite the ride not registering our designed vehicles correctly, we still had a great time.

Once our test drive was over, we made our way out of the park and back to the car. We briefly discussed stopping at Chili's for our usual dinner spot, but Jay had a test that needed to be completed tonight, so we instead headed home. We ended up picking up Little Caesar's pizza for dinner, eating at the house before Jay headed off to take her test and the rest headed back to their own homes.

Another fun day at Disney! Until next time...




Some of the sights from the Journey Into Imagination With Figment ride...


As we exitedf the Journey Into Imagination With Figment ride we passed by the Joy (from Inside Out) meet and greet.


The reverse waterfall outside of the Imagination Pavilion in World Celebration...


We spotted a few birds sunning themselves as we walked across the park, including this great blue heron...


...this great egret...


...and this anhinga.


Our final ride of the day, Test Track.


Jayden's ride!



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