Family Party

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    This was the first year that Samantha had a countdown going to her 6th birthday. On June 9th we had a small gathering with family to celebrate. She also had a party with her friends from school on the 10th of June.

    Also occurring on the same day was Tyler's First Communion, and those pictures can be found here. Jayden was also baptized at the same mass, and those pictures are located here.

Samantha's Birthday

Tyler and Samantha together with their cakes (Sam's consisted of a bunch of cupcakes, but we only got a couple out). Sam having "Happy Birthday" sung to her by everyone.
Steve, Great-Grandma, Gil & Lillie watching Sam open presents. Jerry, Gary, & Donovan watching Sam with her gifts.
Sam opening a present from Great-Grandma & Steve. Tyler watching Sam hold up some new earrings.
Sam displaying a new shirt. Tyler watching Sam with a new skirt.
Tyler reading a card to Sam. Sam with a new game from Noell, Gil, Adam, Veronica, & Lillie.
Sam checking out one present while opening another one. Sam with a sprinkler hop-scotch game from Dwayne, Erica, Donovan, & Marissa.
Tyler reading Sam the card for the present from her parents. Sam ripping into the gift.
Sam getting the box unwrapped. Sam displaying her new doll.
Sam opening another gift from her parents. Tyler helping Sam display her new clothes.


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