July 3rd

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    We started out our day with a big breakfast (indoors, thanks to the early am rain). After we ate, I took some pictures of our camp sites all set up for the week.

Holiday Park Campground

Our camper after everything has been set up and put out around the site. Our fire ring was behind the camper in the grassy area.

Dad & Mom's camper was set up right next to ours, but there was no way to put one in backwards to share the 'common area' between. Drew was carrying his car seat for the ride into Traverse City.

Another picture of Dad & Mom's camper, with a better view of their 'patio' setup.

This jet flew around the campground for some time as we got ready to head out. They must have been preparing for the Cherry Festival activities.

    One the way into Traverse City from the campground we passed a field full of buffalo. I am not sure if they are just pets or serve another purpose, but they are cool to look at.


The buffalo roaming in the field along US-37 on the way to Traverse City from our campground.

    After eating breakfast today, we decided to take a drive to the Old Mission Peninsula. During our drive we stopped at the Mission Point Lighthouse Park as well as the Chateau Grand Traverse winery for a tour.

Mission Point Lighthouse Park

Drew standing between to tall trees beside the walkway to the lighthouse.

This isn't a picture of anything too exciting, but Drew's curiosity is pretty interesting.

The Old Mission Lighthouse.

A view of Sutton's Bay, at the tip of the peninsula.

Samantha, Jayden, Tyler, and Drew sitting in the grass on the beach.

Another attempt at getting a picture of the kids. The sun was shining too brightly for them to keep their eyes open.

One more picture of Sam, Jay, Tyler, and Drew.

Another view of Sutton's Bay.

Marissa, Samantha, and Drew making 'sand angels' while Jay watches.

Another picture of Marissa, Sam, Jay, and Drew making sand angels.

One more picture of the kids playing in the sand.

Tyler throwing rocks into the water, as he always does at the beach.

Tyler must have been convinced that he could get this rock into the water too.

Tyler getting some help from Donovan figuring out how to move the rock.

Gary and Rodney contemplating the universe while on the lighthouse beach.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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