July 3rd - Page 2

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More pictures from Mission Point Lighthouse Park...

Mission Point Lighthouse Park

Gary and Rod talking on the beach.

Donovan and Terry sharing a seat on a rock.

Tyler and Donovan sharing some deep thoughts while sitting on a rock at the beach.

A closer look at Tyler and Donovan on the rock.

Erica and Terry talking things over.

Samantha and Marissa playing in the sand.

Another picture of Sam and Marissa on the beach.

There was a walking trail near the park, and this was the entrance.

The sun shining through the trees along the trail.

After leaving the lighthouse park, we stopped at Chateau Grand Traverse for a tour of the winery.

Chateau Grand Traverse

Rows upon rows of grapes line the fields.

Jayden, Samantha, Tyler, and Drew sitting on an observation deck at the winery.

Another view of the fields of grapes.

Tyler, Sam, Donovan, Marissa, Drew, and a crying Jayden on the observation deck.

A look at the casks inside the winery.

Stacks of casks in the storage room. Some of the wines in these casks are over two years old.

This worker was prepping the casks to be cured before the next batch of wine went in.

These are some German-made casks used by the winery.

Another piece of equipment inside the winery.

    After leaving the winery, our tour of the peninsula came to an end. We headed back to the campground for dinner, which was followed by a bike ride around the campground before dusk.

Holiday Park Campground

The view of Silver Lake, as seen from the isthmus inside the campground.

Looking back at the campground beach from the isthmus, with the moon in the sky overhead.

One more picture of Silver Lake.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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