Liverpool FC Game 7 - at Portage SC 2000
Samantha knocking the ball away from the Portage player.
Sam watching the action as the rain falls around her.
Sam lining up a kick...
...and taking aim at the ball...
...before making contact...
...and sending the ball flying.
Sam using her body to get position...
| hold off the opposing player.
Sam dribbling the ball down the field.
Sam lining up a pass...
...and sending the ball to her teammates.
Sam settling the ball down...
...before being surrounding by opposing players.
Sam battling with a Portage player...
| an attempt to get to the ball.
Samantha giving a Portage player a slight tap in the back...
...that knocked her off balance while her teammate played the
Sam trying to hold off an opposing player...
...before kicking the ball away...
...towards her teammates.
Sam watching as a Portage player tries to get past her.
Sam fighting for the ball along the sideline.
Sam looking for a teammate to make a play...
...before sending the ball on it's way.
Sam making a move in a crowd.